Agape Christian Academy (ACA) is a trade name of Amazing Grace Colorado as a religious ministry of the church. ACA is not organized as or regulated as a school under the State of Colorado regulations. Therefore, we are able to provide sound teaching without the mandates of public school education or secular accrediting agencies. Visit and bookmark

ACA is overseen by the elders of the church and stays within the bounds of the church's non-denominational Christian faith statement. Our first year enrollment is capped at 15 students.

Working in concert with Abeka Christian Publishing, we issue report cards, transcripts, and diplomas. We provide academic testing services of our students. We are not accredited and do not plan to be. (
Feel free to ask questions on this.)


Mission Statement: Our educational mission is to deliver a grace-filled traditional Christian education from a conservative-biblical worldview. Our expectation is a student who develops the fruit of the Spirit, finds God’s purpose for their life, and develops the skills and faith to live it out.

Philosophy of Education: The bible and Christian education will shape the child’s character—not society nor the government. To this end, the Book of Beginnings (Genesis), the Book of Proverbs, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, and the Book of James are the teaching pillars of our education.

Curriculum: We will focus on character, bible education, Saxon math, phonics for reading, bible reading and memorization, Christian creationism for science, traditional American and World History, citizenship, geography. We’ll use a packaged curriculum system such as Abeka. We won’t be seeking accreditation.

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