Aspen Springs Food Pantry
Neighbors helping Neighbors
How can we help one another? Let us each do what we can.
Hours -
Summer - May through October
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Winter - November through April
Wednesday, Friday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Aspen Springs Food Pantry Mission Statement
We will love others like Jesus loves people. We will have the same compassion He had for the hungry and poor. We will feed all those who come (without qualification). We will cross the barriers of pride and lack of transportation by delivering food whenever possible. We will carry out our mission without creating an obligation of those we serve.
Pick up food boxes at 77 Navajo Cir.
Hwy 160 to Hurt Dr. (Turkey Springs exit), South on Hurt. Dr., left on Buecler, right on Navajo Cir.
Delivery now available (Wed & Sun) to those without transportation or ability to get to the food pantry.
Call for appointment 444.2111 or come by.
Sponsored by Amazing Grace Community Church and your neighbors.
Helping Hands Ministry

Register yourself or your neighbor. Call or email.
Pastor Mark at 970.444.2111.
Firewood For The Needy

Contact Pastor Mark 970.444.2111